Time to ask for a Re-vote in OH, FL & PA
Lets make the playing field fair and square. To ask for a re-vote in the whole country may be too expensive and too impractical. But the states that decided the white house in 2004 elections were Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida.
“Exit Polls to Protect the Vote"
- New York Times Martin Plissner
- October 17, 2004 WASHINGTON - Since the 1960's, the exit poll, that staple of election-night television, has been used along with other tools to declare winners when the polls close in each state, and its accuracy is noted later when the actual vote count proves it right. A landmark exception, of course, came in 2000, when the networks initially gave the decisive Florida vote to Al Gore. But now exit polls are being used in some places to monitor the official vote count itself, either to validate the outcome or to mount a challenge to it. That has happened in several countries in the last year, and in the United States one organization plans to use exit polls in five closely contested states in November to measure whether there have been impediments to voting. Last fall, an American firm, whose polling clients have included Al Gore and John Edwards, was hired by some international foundations to conduct an exit poll in the former Soviet republic of Georgia during a parliamentary election. On Election Day, the firm, Global Strategy Group, projected a victory for the main opposition party. When the sitting government counted the votes, however, it announced that its own slate of candidates had won. Supporters of the opposition stormed the Parliament, and the president, Eduard A. Shevardnadze, later resigned under pressure from the United States and Russia."
There is a lot of evidence of foul play in the 2004 elections. If the Republicans can show us that there has been a 'odd voting behavior' like machine counts for Kerry in a way high in Republican precincts or Republicans had to wait for 3-10 hours in their precincts compared to a democratic precincts in that geographic area then we will definitely take into account for annomality.
Exit poll results, analysis of data from Stephen Freedman and others that Bush had .002% to win both Florida and Ohio, thousands of voter intimidations, electronic voting machines are hacker friendly and the list goes on point to the fact something had gone wrong somewhere in the night of November 2, 2004.
Well, being a registered independent voter as I have had exercised my vote on Republican, Democratic, Libertarian or Green Party candidates. I vote for the candidate whom I think can ‘deliver the goods’. I am socially liberal, progressive and fiscally conservative, believe in less government, less taxes and free trade. I am not asking for a revote in Ohio or Ohio and Florida. To ask for a nationwide re-election may be unrealistic and too expensive burden on taxpayers. All I am proposing is a revote in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida. Let Kerry come and fight in Pennsylvania too. Lets make the playing field even. Make sure the election is not rigged and no foul play occurs. Let the 300 million Americans pick up the tab for the re-election in these 3 states so we do not burden the taxpayers of these 3 states. That would be the price for a true democracy. This would legitimize us to preach the rest world that we are truly the second largest ‘fair’ democracy in the world.
Is this a fair deal?